
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A little bit of rest after a busy day. #puppy #dog #urbanwildlife #streetdog #india #steetphotography

via Dark Ritual

A friendly and graceful cat in Old Delhi's spice market #animals #cat #cityanimals #delhi #india #cute

via Dark Ritual

Saturday, February 24, 2018

KAP ख़ास आदमी पार्टी

from Dark Ritual

Friday, February 23, 2018

UP is like the Wild Wild West. If 80% of Indian IAS, IPS are corrupt, UP position is 99%. There is an incredible nexus between politicians, bureaucrats, and criminals. Nepal being next door, criminals routinely slip in and out of the country. Police could not even think about carrying out operations in Muslim majority areas. Every religion and caste had sypathies with criminals from that group, because policing was so ineffective even in small personal conflicts (like between neighbours, or if boys from one community teased a girl from another) not the police, but your religion/caste's criminals stepped in to "resolve" the conflict. Ordinary businessmen (like kirana, mobile shop, dvd/music seller) needed protection. Big businessmen were always in danger or kidnapping-for-ransom, and had to pay protection to all political parties. And even then they could be targets of extortion murders. I could keep going with different types of crimes in UP that are unthinkable in other states. You remember the fiery speeches that Yogi gets calumniated for? The ones in which he says "you kill/rape one of ours, we will kill/rape 10 of yours"? There was a long backstory to them. Under SP, given the above circumstances, members of the minority community had committed a series of violent rapes in which some Hindu girls had even died. But FIRs were not registered for any of them and criminals were walking free, some bullying family of their victim to not raise the matter officially. Fed up, these families and communities reached out to Yogi. Though Yogi was not from their district, and he had no official power, he went to those areas to give personal assurance and protection of his vigilante groups to affected families. Here I am not justifying Yogi (I'll do that elsewhere). Here I am only showing you how things worked in UP. That the fundamental protection of police, the fundamental purpose of Law and Order apparatus, was absent in UP. That you need brawn on your side to not get brutalized. It's up to you whether you turn to a religious gang, a caste gang, or simply a paid gang. But if you need protection for being father of a pretty daughter, owner of a business, having property (wealth or land), or need any official work done, the police is not there for you, gangs or vigilante groups are your only choice. Source: From some online forum

from Dark Ritual

Saturday, February 17, 2018

A friendly and graceful cat in Old Delhi's spice market #animals #cat #cityanimals #delhi #india #cute

via Dark Ritual

Thursday, February 15, 2018

RTI reveals Aam Aadmi Party's ad expenditure four times that of Congress government

RTI reveals Aam Aadmi Party’s ad expenditure four times that of Congress government - SHARE TWEET SHARE EMAIL For a party which came to power on plank of non corruption and self proclaimed assertion of being a ‘common man’, Aam Aadmi Party seems far from common. As per reports, and RTI filed by IANS, the #AAP Government has spent an average of Rs. 70.5 crore annually in past 3 years on advertisements, four times more than previous Congress Government. This includes expenditure on print, electronic and outdoor advertising. As per Hindustan Times report, in the first year of coming into power, Kejriwal Government spent Rs. 59.9 crore on advertisements. In the following year, the expenditure was Rs. 66.3 crore, which went up to Rs. 85.3 crore this year, averaging at Rs. 70.5 crore. Against this, the previous Congress Government spent Rs. 17.4 crore on an average in the last five years of its rule from 2008-13. The expenditure includes, among others, advertisements with photos of the chief minister and other ministers in newspapers and hoardings, commercial spots on TV and radio, and tender notices published in newspapers. Here, it should be noted that Delhi Government has given ads applauding Delhi Government work in publications in other parts of the country, like Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Gujarat. These states are so geographically apart that this appeared like a futile exercise in wasting public fund to sing their own praises. In September 2016, the Central Government came down heavily on AAP for spending extravagantly, in violation of Supreme Court guidelines, asking AAP government to reimburse the ad expenditure back to the exchequer. Last year, in April, too, Kejriwal was asked to reimburse Rs. 97 crore his party spent on promotional advertisements. #aaptard
from Dark Ritual

Monday, February 12, 2018

FATAH: Is Canada home to anti-India Sikh extremists?

FATAH: Is Canada home to anti-India Sikh extremists? Are there such anti-India Sikhs in the federal cabinet and the Liberal Party and its Ontario wing? Mainstream Canadians outside the circus of identity politics could care less about the wholesale buying and selling at ethnic vote banks, but it’s time they should. India is no longer that far-away country of 1985 when Air India 182 was blown out of the sky by Sikh extremists, killing 268 Canadian citizens among the 325 murdered over Ireland. Today’s India is not just a beacon of democracy in a sea of tyrants that govern much of Asia and Africa, but its economy is booming, as is the trade between our two countries. Fears expressed by New Delhi can no longer be ignored. If they are, it will be our loss in Canada. It has been reported that the current debate about Canada hosting Sikh extremists erupted when the popular Indian weekly, Outlook — in its Feb.12 edition — ran a cover story, featuring a photo of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, wearing traditional orange Sikh handkerchief on his head. The headline on the cover read, “Khalistan-II: Made in Canada.” Sources in India tell me the Outlook edition story came only after the government of India and Indo-Canadians noticed a sudden spike in anti-India extremist activities at Sikh temples across Canada. In one such step, Indian diplomats were barred from entering any Sikh temple anywhere in Canada.
from Dark Ritual

Monday, February 5, 2018


Sikh Empire under Maharaja Ranjit Singh who finally ended the Muslim invasions of India. The Sikh empire was 70% Muslim, ruled by Sikhs who were only 17% of the population. Today the Khalistanis are the servants of the Jihadis who were defeated by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. and most of those who exalt Shivaji and Vivekananda, they can't bring themselves to truly value the true sons of Baba Nanak (son of Kalyan Chand), Govind Rai, the founder of the Khalsa ( Shri Guru Gobind Singh), and Ranjit Singh. And those who exalt Bhindrawala as a sant refuse to see that the Sikh philosophy draws heavily from the Bhagwad Gita and from the likes of Baba Farid, both of which are the products of the Punjab, both hated equally by the Quranic Arabists who backed Bhindrawala against the dharm of the Gurus. Kya maya hai teri, prabhu.
from Dark Ritual

KAP ख़ास आदमी पार्टी

मोदी सरकार को कोसने वाले भाजपाई के भेष मे छुपे कांग्रेसियो वमियो आपियो सापियो मुल्लो जबाब दो... - जो रसोई गैस कांग्रेस शासन मे गरीबों को ब्लैक मे खरीदनी पड़ती थी वो आज पर्याप्त मात्रा मे उपलब्ध कैसे हो रही है? - जिस यूरिया के लिए किसान दर दर भटकता था और ब्लैक मे खरीदने को मजबूर था वह यूरिया अब किसानो को आराम से नार्मल रेट पर कैसे मिल रही है? - कांग्रेस शासन मे 18000 गांवों बिजली से वंचित थे उन्हें आज बिजली कैसे मिल रही है? - कांग्रेस शासन मे बिजली उत्पादन के लिए जरूरी कोयले की कमी क्यों रहती थी, वह कमी अब क्यों नहीं होती.. - जो जीएसटी मोदी सरकार लाई है जिससे 18 लाख करदाता बढे और टैक्सचोरी रुकी उसे कांग्रेस क्यों नहीं ला सकी थी? - नोटबंदी के कारण काली कमाई वालों के हजारों करोड़ के नोट कागज के टुकड़े हो गये, किसी गरीब को या इमानदारी की कमाई वाले को तो कोई नुकसान हुआ नहीं फिर कांग्रेस नोटबंदी को लेकर गरीबों के बहाने हाय तौबा किसलिए करती है?किसके लिए आंसू बहाती थी? - लालू मुलायम जैसे सड़कछाप से खरबोंपति बनने वाले भ्रष्टाचारी नेताओं से गठबंधन करके क्या कांग्रेस भ्रष्टाचार का पोषण नहीं कर रही? - कांग्रेस शासन मे जिस गति से सड़के बनती थीं वे आज दूनी गति से कैसे बन रही हैं? - सोनिया के दामाद राबर्ट बाड्रा का जमीने खरीदने बेचने का धंधा मोदी सरकार आने के बाद बंद क्यों हो गया ? - जिस गति से मंहगाई दर कांग्रेस शासन मे बढ रही थी उस गति से मोदी सरकार आने के बाद क्यों नहीं बढी? - कांग्रेस शासन मे जीडीपी 4% थी जिसे मोदी सरकार बढाकर 7%से ऊपर कैसे ले गई? यह तो बहुत थोड़े से प्रश्न केवल आर्थिक मामलों से संबंधित हैं, सामाजिक और अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय तथा राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा संबंधी मामलों मे तो मोदी जी की उपलब्धियों के सामने कांग्रेस कहीं नहीं ठहरती! फिर भी कांग्रेसी गुलामों का कांग्रेस से मोह भंग नहीं हो रहा !!
from Dark Ritual

Saturday, February 3, 2018


I had made up the mind to punish them in next elections if I could find that a grave Injustice had been done to me and hence, I did R&D on my own so that I don’t follow the herd mentality and make an informed choice. Since this information is very important, therefore I am sharing this with all of you here. 1. My home loan interest rate at the end of 2013 was between 9.5 to 11.25%. It has come down to under 8.5% now. (Keeping SBI as Reference) 2. Average Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 10.92% in 2013 while it is 2.49% right now. JUST IMAGINE, what would have been the prices of the goods of common usage if such a high CPI rate was still there.
from Dark Ritual

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